Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Week Plans

This year for the holidays, instead of having two quick trips to see family (Thanksgiving and Christmas), we're staying put for Thanksgiving, but going for a longer visit over Christmas.

That means I'll be available on the phones this week! ... with some caveats and explanations of course. It wouldn't be Galiana without caveats and explanations, now, would it?

First, a public service announcement: the holidays can be rough for people with strained family relationships, or strained finances who cannot travel to see family, or who just get plain ol' sick of their family. I would absolutely love to talk about your holiday struggles with you, or to help you escape them for a little while!...

...But I am not a trained mental health professional, so if you or someone you love are in danger of trying to hurt themselves, please call 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) or 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433), where caring trained people can help you talk through your options. Millions of people are glad they called. Please be one of them.

No death. You got that? It's a hard boundary of mine. Absolutely no death whatsoever.

Good. I'm glad we're clear.

So now on to more mundane logistical topics: We've gathered a few friends without plans, so we are having a low-key Thanksgiving dinner at our place. That means Wednesday I'll be cleaning and prepping, Thursday I'll be dining and hanging out, and Friday I'll be recouping and cleaning again.

However, as it turns out, our guests are primarily friends of my husband, not primarily friends of mine, and they all know I do phone sex work (my husband brags about me - it's very sweet), so while they're over, I'm probably going to raise my rate and stay logged in. I'm happy to take a break from chatting with geeks to chat with geeks! (you're not all geeks, but it amused me to say that)

And the same goes for Wednesday and Friday - as I'm puttering around doing interruptible chores, I'll probably raise my rate but stay logged in. But when I'm done with chores and doing my normal lounging in the Fuckatorium blogging and looking for non-existent data trends while avoiding organizing my pictures for sale, the rates will go back to normal.

I will be away from the phones Tuesday over dinner - one of my dearest life-long friends is in town for just one night. We were at each others' first birthday parties - that kind of life-long friend! I haven't seen her since Halloween 2009, and I'm so excited! Yay yay yay /happydance

I look forward to the conversations I'll have this week - I am really fascinated to see if it feels any different over a holiday. And if you usually call me about once per week-ish, but you'll be away this week, I hope you have a fantastic time, and I look forward to catching up when you return!

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