Where To Start

I am Galiana Chance.

Roughly in order of the amount of time I spend, I am:
  • a wife in a non-monogamous marriage
  • an overly concerned pet parent to two rescue dogs
  • a roommate to my husband's live-in girlfriend
  • an active member of my local kinkster community
  • a phone sex worker
  • a writer about kinky things
  • a daughter, sister, aunt, and niece
I am also the victim of a mysterious vertigo stemming from a neurological imbalance, which leaves me feeling at least slightly drunk all the time. My vertigo precludes me from returning to my former job as a data analyst / IT manager. I still coach my husband in his technical professional path to pretend I'm staying in touch with corporate life, because I miss some things about it.

For your convenience, I have created a guided tour of some blog posts which allow you to learn more about me than maybe anybody actually wants to know.

About My Life:
About Galiana the Phone Sex Operator:
Things To Always Do If You Call Phone Sex Lines:
About Calls With Me: 
My Limitations and Challenges:
Galiana's Little Theories On Life:
Blog Posts That Turned Into Series:
My Favorite Blog Posts So Far:
The labels down the left of my blog link to blog posts which are tagged with that label - a few of interest:
  • Data: posts detailing what I've learned by analyzing data about my job, and what I no longer believe can be known 
  • Funny: posts that I find more amusing than informative 
  • My Way: posts explaining how I do this job, and how that may be different than how others do it
  • Pics: posts with pictures in them
  • PSO: posts more about the business side of being a Phone Sex Operator 
And that concludes our "Welcome to Chance It: The Blogged Life of Galiana Chance" Tour!

Welcome aboard.