Thursday, December 9, 2010

Listings Update 14

I am on update #14 for my home page and main listing. That seems compulsive since I've been doing for a little less than 5 months. It was a lot of work, but the changes are probably largely unnoticeable to anyone but me. Some day I'll recover from never being satisfied... 

1. I made my voice samples a link instead of an embedded file. I was told that in some browsers, the file started playing with no warning. I hate that! So no more embedding for me.

2. I added a link to my recorded listing, so if I'm offline, people can listen anyway. Hopefully, I'll expand that soon with another recorded listing if I can get off my generous, round, grab-able ass and get it done. Heh, I just amused myself.

3. I re-did the wording and pictures on my home page and general listings so the pictures are all the same size, and they're all a little bigger. I realized the feedback table at the bottom of each listing has a minimum width, and my picture/text boxes were thinner that than, so there was room to expand.

4. I changed the pay-to-views to only list three instead of four. I needed the HTML characters (there's a limit on how many characters can be in your listing). Hopefully the link to My Flirt Store will still make my other pay-to-views obvious enough to interested parties.

5. I added a holiday thing at the bottom with tip buttons, and a link to my Amazon Wish List. It felt monumental to me, because I learned how to do an image map! I know, I'm a geek, I should know more HTML, but I started doing analysis and managing after doing VB programming and data analysis, not web programming. Still...  /hangheadinshame for waiting this long, and /yaygoodforme for figuring it out now. It will come in handy.

Next on my ever-expanding to-do list? Another pay-to-view picture set and a recorded hypno listing. And then I'll be done for a while, right? Oh, except my pictures aren't all the same size on my submissive listings...

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