Thursday, December 30, 2010

Data Better Unanalyzed

In general, I try to live by the concept, "Don't ask the question if you don't want to know the answer."

But today, ignoring the nagging warning in the back of my mind, I answered my lingering question, "What percentage of my income has been from very short calls (less than 5 minutes)?"

I was hoping to be pleasantly surprised by a high number like 10% -- some number I wouldn't want to lose. And I expected that pleasant surprise to fuel my motivation to give my best for new callers who seem to be on a short-call pace.

The answer, unfortunately, was "about 2%". Rats. That answer does not motivate me.

And being less motivated for new, fast callers makes it more likely for me to do something stupid like: assume a new caller is a fast, non-repeat caller and lose interest, thereby boring the caller (who is actually looking for a great conversationalist with whom to while away a leisurely hour or two) into ensuring that they never call me back.

Darn data. Why do you have to be so accurate? Can't you lie to me? Just this once? Please?

Dear Galiana: Forget you ever asked. And don't get lazy. Love, Galiana.

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