Monday, January 17, 2011

Other Contacts

I know, you probably have all of me you can stand from my ridiculously prolific blogginess, but just in case you want more Galiana in your day...

FetLife: I have a profile on FetLife - my user name is "Galiana" - and I'm slowly starting to fill out information there. I only did the basic list of Fetishes, and already I feel like a giant slut! Imagine what will happen the day I decide to look through the comprehensive list!

The big fun thing about FetLife is the ability to find out about local kink-friendly events in my area, even though I don't attend many. I'm hoping FetLife will encourage me to attend more. When I have been involved in BDSM / swinger / kink groups in the past, I have found the vast majority of attendees to be delightful, fun, easy-going, laid-back, supportive people.

Twitter: I use Twitter - my user name is "GalianaChance" - and I try to tweet when I have new blog posts, when I see something awesome I want to share, and when I have fleeting dorky thoughts that I don't want to make a whole blog post about. Yesterday's example, "My husband just answered a question by playing a 'wrong answer' sound clip from The Price Is Right. I <3 geeks." ... and yes, that really happened, and yes, he was quite pleased with himself.

Formspring: I use Formspring - my user name is "GalianaChance" - but so far, I've just used it to enjoy the answers other people have given, because nobody has asked me any questions yet. My Inner AttentionSlut is a little devastated by that. Help her. Please. Ask me questions. The answers will show up in my Twitter stream, so if you subscribe to my tweets but don't want to sign up for Formspring, you can ask anonymously, and still track my answers.

Facebook: I use Facebook - my user name is "Galiana.Chance" - sometimes to post notices of new blog posts, but mostly to make amusing comments on other people's statuses. Most of the people who follow me there are not phone sex callers, they are girl geeks who connected with me after my post on Reddit.

I don't hide my profession, so consider yourself warned that if you friend me there, and I make a comment on your stuff, someone could follows it to figure out what I do. If you don't want me to comment, let me know and I'll put you in a group where I don't comment, but the same risk applies from browsing your friends list...

Others: The email I check most often is (galiana at ymail dot com - translated into an email address of course).

I also use galiana at ymail dot com for Yahoo chat, but note: for callers and potential callers, the only discussions I have via chat are about my availability. I learned the hard way that, although it makes me sad to have to be restrictive, if I friendly-chat for free with every caller who wants me to do that, I end up a big stress ball and never get anything else done. Sorry. However, for other phone sex operators: feel free to pop on and vent if you've had a rough call and need a supportive ear, or if you want to request that I preview something for you - if I'm available and have extra energy, I love to give back to the community in that way.

When I watch callers on cams, I do that via Yahoo chat, or on Skype as "Galiana.Chance".

And I'm on NiteFlirt as a phone sex operator... and if that's a surprise to you, then, ummmm, well, welcome to my blog. It's nice to meet you.

Future: I may at some point put up a store on clips4sale or kinkbomb, but I don't have enough content yet. I'm not producing the content because I don't yet have the equipment yet. I can see the day coming when I will make those investments. Photography and videography are easy enough to learn, right? (yes, that was sarcastic - I expect a sharp, harsh learning curve, and to be mortified by my early work...)

Where else would you like to see me?

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