Friday, December 30, 2011

Weekend Women

In bad news, NiteFlirt pulled all of my friend Candace's listings (she has fixed the problem, but they didn't reinstate her listings before the holiday weekend -- boooooo).

Kiwi Candy
In good news, she is available for calls for most of the weekend, and you can still call her! Just go directly to her listing with this link:

Don't leave poor Candy all dressed up with nobody to play with! If you haven't called Candace, she's a good person: sincere and sexually charged and submissive... what more could you possibly want?

Or, if neither of us are around, there's a newcomer on the block:

Luna Zega
Gentlemen, please welcome Luna Zega, a firecracker sexpot with crazy curves, an erotica writer's naughty imagination, and a deliciously experienced maturity. I met her the same way I met Candace - she found my blog, and wrote me asking a few questions.

She's obviously a smart lady with a keen understanding of human sexuality. You can find her listings here:

As for me, well, my husband and I decided last-minute that we would host a New Year's Eve party for our new kinky local friends... which is tomorrow... ZOIKES! So we're running around like crazy people trying to prep for an onrush of kinksters.

It's a lovely problem to have, but it means I'll be off tomorrow (New Year's Eve), and I will only be around Sunday and Monday for appointments, so email me to book your time (!

I hope your 2011 has a lovely finish, and that your 2012 has a lovely beginning!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas To Me

So in addition to getting connected to the party side of kinksters in the heartland (as I wrote about in my last post), I was smart enough to drop an introductory note to the community's unofficial photographer: Sir Wallter (I'm not being sloppy, his name really has two Ls, and you can find him on Model Mayhem if you're so inclined).

Last night, we loaded two outfits, my travel toy bag, and a ridiculous volume of beauty products into the car to head over to Sir Wallter's for a photo shoot.

It went well.
 No, seriously, I mean, it went really really really well.
 Sir Wallter's specialties are: (1) bondage rigging and photography (but alas, I ran out of energy before we got to that part of the evening - boooooooo) and (2) vintage pin-up poses, so I brought my awesome Secrets In Lace ostrich-feather-trim chiffon robe, and let him direct me, which resulted in winners like this:
Bunny Ears!
Yep, that's right, the classic make-bunny-ears-with-your-shoes Playboy pose. How freakin' awesome is that? Seriously. Couldn't you just kiss him? (don't tell anyone, but I totally kissed him -- how could I not? He shot me with bunny ears fer fux sake!)

But he was also kind enough to allow me the use of one of his play rooms, the one with the St Andrew's cross and implements of bondage and torture artfully placed about, to do a shoot with one of my other strap-ons, since my Feeldoe set had been relatively popular. Turns out, his eye for top shots was just as keen:
Training Time
 That's my hefty strap-on, his hefty paddle. They make a nice pair, don't they?

In addition to just having a fantastic eye for poses, he had a gift for drawing emotion out of me. Even though it was our first shoot, together, he got me all playful and squirmy and needy.
I love my foot curling up in the background from being wiggly...

He said I'm welcome back. All I can figure is that somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something very very very very very very good.

Or maybe it's just that in my adulthood, I keep doing things that are very very very very very very naughty. It's hard to tell, isn't it?

If it means something to you, Happy Christmas Eve. If not, Scandalous Saturnalia...

P.S. I'm expecting coal tomorrow. Or to have Santa slip in and have me suck him off when I'm half-asleep. Either way, I'm clearly on the naughty list.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Heartland Kink

This is a story of how to get involved in your local BDSM / kink community, as well as a little smut about my life.

The short version: my husband got to consensually smack an adorable masochistic college student in her early 20s, and I got to grab her boobs, and it was awesome. The rest of this blog post is the long version.

When we moved here in October, we knew the fastest way to find open-minded friends would probably be to involve ourselves with the kink / BDSM community. FetLife seemed a good place to start: a high concentration of people who won't disapprove of my phone sex career, and FetLife is excellent at discovering community events.

We went to a "munch" first, the name of a group event held in a public place for the purpose of socializing, but also to screen newcomers. You don't want newbies' first contact to be at a play party. You want them somewhere else first to give a less-charged place to ask questions, and to screen them. To pass that screening, most groups only require that you seem non-pathological and non-tar-babyish (a tar baby is someone who won't let you go once you touch them).

Here's how you seem non-pathological: Smile when you meet new people. Don't touch anybody until they touch you / offer to be touched (offering a hand for a shake, offering a hug, etc). Don't assume you have any rights - ask respectfully about everything, even if you're a Dom (especially if you're a Dom). Ask engaging questions about the interests of others (which types of play do you enjoy? which types of events do you enjoy? how long have you been in the community?). Ask questions about the community (how often do you meet? are there play parties? are there educational events?).

Here's how you avoid seeming like a tar-baby: Approach every event with the attitude that you'll find a play partner at the *next* event, but not at this one, to take the pressure off yourself - today, you are only building your reputation as an awesome person. If someone has spent more than 10 minutes with you, thank them for their time and attention, tell them you'd love to take up their whole evening, but ask if they need to mingle instead, thereby graciously releasing them if they wish to move on, and if they say no and stay with you, smile and thank them casually. If you compliment someone, don't follow it up with an awkward pause that communicates "see? I'm nice, now don't you want to fuck me?" and instead move on to the next topic as if you didn't just compliment them.

Other anti-tar-baby tips: Don't ask anyone to fuck you, or if you must and they say no, DO NOT ask again because that shit will get your ass thrown out. Don't ask anyone to play with you, or if you must as they say no, DO NOT ask again... You see the pattern here, right? It's best to wait until at least your third event before you ask to play (but accepting another's offer can happen any time) to avoid being seen as needy.

Never assume you have the same privileges as someone else. Story time to explain this point:

At our first introductory munch, the woman sitting next to my husband was playfully choked by two attendees. My husband DID NOT have permission to choke her, for two reasons: (1) he had never asked to choke her and (2) she had never offered to let him choke her. This is not complicated.

Along those same lines, because it was our first munch, and the first time my husband had met that woman, it would have been awkward for him to ask to choke her. Wait till he meets her for the third time.

Instead, my husband watched her being choked, and after the first choker left, he complimented her on how beautiful her expressions were when it was happening (compliments are good as long as you don't fall silent and stare expectantly after them), and before she had the chance to be awkward about accepting a compliment, he asked her how she found out she liked being choked. She got to tell a sexy story, he enjoyed hearing her sexy story, then they naturally wandered off into other topics with other people, with no awkwardness. She friended him on FetLife after the event. Who knows if they'll ever play together? But at least she isn't creeped out by him.

Anyway, the woman sitting next to me was AWESOME about explaining the structure of the community, who organized events, and what happened in the area. She was a natural greeter, an information fountain, very sweet. We friended each other on FetLife. The important thing is that we did not creep her out, which we did by being friendly and relaxed and grateful for her information.

Four days later, she posted on FetLife that she and her boyfriend/Dom had broken up (we had met him too). We asked her to dinner to take her mind off things, and to say thanks for the kick-ass introduction to the community she had given us, and she accepted. After dinner, she came back to our house and hung out with my husband while I worked upstairs. I heard a lot of giggling. They didn't play. My husband had all kinds of amusing stories to tell me later of how he cheered her up and learned a bit more about the locals. We engaged her and her friends on her FetLife posts in supportive, amusing ways.

So now we had a munch and a private dinner, and nobody has played, and we hadn't asked anybody to play. We were just nice. Neighborly. Kind. Supportive. That's it.

Yay bewbs
Yay bewbs
Last week, that same young woman let us know about a local party: bring a dish to share, and a kinky toy to trade, white-elephant style, worth $5 or less. My husband whipped out his maker skills converting a dowel rod and an unused wooden spatula into fierce-looking converted pervertables, and we brought dip and chips.

Since I had not been able to show my boobs the previous weekend at hub's holiday party, I busted em out for this one (picture taken before we left, when my lipstick still looked good).

We found ourselves at a cozy party of 10 where we were the only ones in our 40s, and only one guy in his 30s, and the rest were young whippersnappers. We mostly succeeded in the unnatural effort of "not dropping 80s references".

The hostess had obviously played before with one of the guests, since he kept picking up things and hitting her with them... hard. It made her giggle. Another guest brought her floggers and crop to show off. Several of the other kinky gifts were also things to beat people with. People started asking to try out toys, getting smacked and smacking for a few moments at a time.

Here's the important thing: everyone asked first, before trying a toy, and before hitting someone else. Everyone started out soft. Nobody hit harder until they were told they could. Everyone stopped when the person getting hit said "That's good, thanks!" I got to feel the spatula, the dowel rod, the crop, and one of the floggers. I got to use all of the above on others. Fun!

I wore the hat the whole party
I wore the hat the whole party
Then the hostess was against a wall having a flogger tried out on her, and it went on for more than a few moments, and it got intense. She mentioned she was feeling warm, and we kindly offered she could remove her top, assuming she would not. She did. So we shut all the blinds, and enjoyed a topless woman with amazing boobs getting flogged. Oh yes, we enjoyed it a lot.

After they took a break, the hostess, clearly happy with the flogging, invited anyone at the party to hit her with anything. She was standing close to me at the time, still topless, and I said, "What about grabbing your awesome boobs?" and she said, "You can do that!" so I totally did. They were awesome.

About half an hour later, my husband wanted to see how the crop handled, so he asked the hostess if he could smack her with it. Note: she had already given permission to everyone to hit her, and yet, he still asked. She enthusiastically agreed, and after a few good swats, it was obvious that she really really really liked the crop a lot (she'd never had one), and he was really really really enjoying hitting her with it, and the room got quiet and watched, which obviously turned both of them on even more.

Twenty minutes later, when she was starting to bruise... badly... he slowed down, thanked her profusely, told her that he was so honored to have beaten her, and stayed with her until she hugged him and insisted she didn't need aftercare (he wasn't calling it that, but he was behaving in an aftercare-ish kind of a way), at which point he quietly faded to a different conversation.

Silly hat and awesome boobs, as we were leaving, with vertigo goofiness kicking in
Silly hat and awesome boobs,
as we were leaving,
with vertigo goofiness kicking in

We wrote her after the party and thanked her again for hosting, for being willing to be groped, for being willing to be beaten, and for welcoming us into the community.

So now we have new friends on FetLife (everyone from the party accepted our invites), we're signed up for another munch and another party in January, and we have a start on a fun sense of community.

The key to success? We weren't assuming we would play. We weren't pushing for play. We approached opportunities to play cautiously, with a lot of mutual respect and double-checking (my husband checked in with the hostess he was beating constantly because they didn't negotiate ahead of time). We approached the entire community and each interaction as if we were cultural anthropologists entering the temple of a religion we didn't know very well, but needed to learn more about. Respect everyone, ask permission for everything, assume nothing, and accept offers graciously.

And maybe you'll get to grab a coed's boobs. Squeeeee!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Holiday Message

A little video holiday message from me, even though there are just a few applicable days left:

Or, in case the embedded player doesn't work, here's the link to YouTube: Galiana's Holiday Message

Or, in case you don't feel like seeing me in motion, here's the text (without a few ums and y'knows stripped out, and with a few words added in for clarification):

Hi world! It's Galiana Chance, and although I am wearing an excessively silly Santa hat (and I recognize that it is excessively silly), I have a somewhat serious thing to say about the holidays which is that:

The holidays are rough for a lot of people. And if the holidays are rough for you, first of all, I'm sorry. Secondly, if you're not necessarily in a state where you're going to hurt yourself or where you need a suicide hotline or something, but you want somebody to tell good memories, or hard memories, or why you don't feel good about going home, or what that whole experience is like, or whatever... but if you just have some holiday thinking that you want to do [with someone], feel free to call [me].

Unfortunately, I don't have the time, space, and energy to process every person in the whole world's holiday thoughts without getting paid for it, but if you've been a blog reader and that seems like something that would be interesting to you, feel free [to call my phone sex lines].

I'm not a therapist, I'm not going to pretend to be a therapist, but I will do my best to listen. And if you wish, I will share complementary stories back with you about my own family craziness and all that jazz, and let you know that I'm sorry that it's hard.

I hope that you enjoy every piece of the holiday season that you can enjoy, and that you savor the most out of the rest of the year as much as possible.

I wish you all the best. Mmmmmwuh! /blow kiss

Sunday, December 18, 2011

All I Want for Christmas

All I want for Christmas are my friend's never-been-worn Fluevog "The Business" boots:

Fluevog "The Business" Boots
The caption says, "Let's face it, it's business time - and these new Body Parts take care of business like nothing else. With these luxurious beauties wrapping you in soft patent faux-reptile leathers lined in gold and laying you on a surprisingly comfortable 4" golden heel, attracting new business will be the least of your concerns."

The videos I could make in these boots. The cam work. Not to mention, the complete and total FUN of going to play parties in them!

My friend knows what I do for a living, and she has realized she'll never wear the boots, but she can't afford to give them to me for free. These boots deserve a great life, a life she cannot give them. They deserve better. They deserve to be treasure, adored, displayed, admired, and most of all: worn.

The boots retailed for $549. They are now discontinued, which makes them precious on ebay. She will sell them to me for $275 if I can promise her that much in the next 5 days... which is where you come in (if you wish to), because I don't have anywhere close to $275 to spare at the moment.

So, how can you help? Oh, look here, I have NiteFlirt tribute buttons! Well. Isn't that handy?




Also, I can receive gifts via PayPal at for any amount.

If you contribute to the Fluevog boot fund, and I get the boots, I will send you "thank you" videos wearing them -- I'll make one video for all contributors with close ups and details. Then for people who contribute $50 or more, I'll also make a video especially for you with your name in it.

If I don't raise $275 and don't get these Fleuvog boots, I'll buy myself a less expensive pair of party boots with whatever I raise. Plus, I'll pout. A lot. It'll be tragic. Okay, no, it won't be tragic, but I will be sad at the missed opportunity.

I really want these boots. They make me feel funny in my tummy to think about wearing them. They're lace-up, knee-high, and dead fucking sexy.

I'll make a confession: the most expensive pair of shoes I have ever worn retailed for $130 (suede heels by Rockport, by far the most comfortable pair of heels I've ever worn, and I wore them every day when I briefly trained people how to use computers in 1996). These boots would quadruple that number, which is dizzying to contemplate.

Actually, neither of my wedding dresses even cost me $549, nor have any coats, no cocktail dresses... nope, nothing. Not even close. I paid $186 for a Laura Ashley bridesmaid dress in the 90s, but that's the most expensive piece of clothing I've owned so far. So these boots would become my most extravagantly luxurious item of clothing ever.

I think I'd have to take out a rider on my renters' insurance for them. That's awesome to consider, isn't it?

I should totally be wearing these for New Year's Eve. Make it happen, peeps.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Holiday Party Oopsie

The hub had a company holiday party last night, and I decided to wear a long-sleeved dress I haven't worn since last time I was living in Illinois (1999), a timeless crushed blue velvet piece that I remembered as being roomy. Because I didn't need to buy a dress, I got wintery-looking silver and blue jewelry to match.

I told the husband I was wearing a non-slutty dress for the party, since it was the first time I was going to meet his coworkers. Have to keep up the respectable camouflage, after all. Good wifey.

But for you, dear blog readers, I snapped this picture of what I wore under my dress: a comfortable and classy-looking matching panties and bra. The picture was taken after I got out of the shower, before hair and makeup were done:

under my party dress
I didn't bother getting a high-quality version because I was, of course, threatening to run a bit late, but I rushed through my makeup and did my best 80s hair-scrunching tricks to attempt to keep the curls, despite the lack of humidity in this crazy dry part of the world, got my jewelry on, and put on the dress...

And... ummm.... although I correctly remembered the waist and hips as being plenty loose, apparently I have expanded in the boob region more than I thought I had. I told you I used to be a C cup. That's really how much of a gap there was, it's not exaggerated for effect.


I went downstairs and said to my husband, "Remember how I told you I was going to wear a non-slutty dress to your party?" and he said, "Yeah" and turned around and doubled over cracking up. "What exactly does the slutty version look like, honey?!? Yowza!!"

I texted that picture to my sister, with the explanation, "I told my husband I'd wear a non-slutty dress, do you think this qualifies?" and she texted back, "Wow. Nice rack, sis!" which made me laugh so hard I startled my dogs.

I called Mom to tell her about the debacle, because she can't get pictures on her phone, and she said, "At least you tried not to be slutty. I'm proud of you."

I salvaged the outfit with a silky camisole / tank top in a deep gray color which lined up relatively well with the edges of the dress, and actually made the new necklace stand out nicely. Besides, at this point, it was hilarious, so I had to wear it. There's a story in it now, dammit, I'm making it work!

The whole thing had, of course, made us run late, so I didn't get any pictures before the party, but this one was taken after the party, after a double dose of my vertigo medicines (thus the glassy eyes), while a YouTube video was playing in the background of a really cute armadillo giving himself a bath (thus the amused grin).

During the party, I kept the tops lined up a bit better than I did for this picture, but at least the hair stayed curly and the necklace looked cool. However, my husband's coworker at our table seemed so transfixed by my chest that at one point I had to check to make sure I had actually put on the camisole. Apparently the shape was distracting enough, even without the flesh...

The party itself was... hmmm, how to say this politely? Well, I'll put it this way: if you're going to gather hundreds of technical professionals together for an evening, it's fair to expect some awkwardness, but ideally, the awkward will come from the techie geeks unable to sustain small talk, rather than from the inability of the speakers and presenters to hold the attention of the crowd, so ideally, speeches and awards would be heard, and not completely lost because everyone chats with their dinner neighbors instead of paying attention to the presenters.

I started the party thinking, "Thank goodness I had nothing to do with planning this party," and spent the rest of the party trying not to think, "I could have planned this so much more effectively." From cold food and stingy drinks to moronic dessert logistics resulting in a 20-minute wait for sugar, it was a spectacular mess.

Afterwards, I called Mom and told her how it went. Her response? "You should have taken off the camisole, then nobody would have noticed."

Who's the Luckiest. Girl. Ever? Me. It's totally me. Because when I'm a thousand miles away from my family, and the only holiday party I attend replaces my festive spirit with a giant sack of snark, at least I can share it with them, and we can all laugh together.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Taglines and Thumbnails

Because Candace has been nagging me to enlarge the font on my NiteFlirt phone sex listings, I decided to update my taglines and thumbnail pictures while I was at it.

So now, all my taglines include the words "caring" and "genuine" and "playful", specifically chosen for the holiday season, to attract people who are browsing NiteFlirt in search of a friendly connection during a time of the year that can be tough.

Last December I had tons of fun and made lots of new friends on the phone. Because my availability will be somewhat more limited this year, I don't expect to have quite the same influx of new voices to my menagerie, but I am looking forward to those one-last-call-before-I-travel calls, with their delicious ache of "I'm about to abandon my routine and personal space for days on end so I better enjoy these last few moments of freedom". The calls after travel are full of relief...

My goal with the pictures, besides updating to something more recent, was also to have a better variety when someone looks at the "Live Phone Sex" tab in the new NiteFlirt layout (all these pictures were taken last weekend by Quicksilver84 from FetLife).

So there I was, updating my listings like a good girl, and I thought of you, dear blog readers, that you shouldn't have to go digging through my listings in order to see all the snazzy new photos, so here they are!

Click any of the images below for slightly larger versions, and if you want a much bigger version of one, let me know and I'll email it to you as a holiday gift!

Women Home Alone > Sex
Women Home Alone > Sex
I specifically wanted a holiday version of the leaning-over green lingerie shot that was my first thumbnail.

Fantasy > Girls Next Door
Fantasy > Girls Next Door

... and the same pose in my pink fuzzy robe. So wholesome! Or, as several people described the shot in green "corn-fed", which I think is code for "has big boobs".

BDSM > Submissive Women
BDSM > Submissive Women
Although I wasn't specifically thinking submissive when I shot this, I do look spankable, don't I?

BDSM > Mistresses
BDSM > Mistresses
I'm sorry, what? You want to see more of these? You'll have to speak up, darling, the gag seems to be garbling you a bit.

Fantasy > Role Playing
Fantasy > Role Playing

You. You, young man, you've been VERY naughty this year, haven't you? Whew, thank goodness!

Fetish > Fem Dommes
Fetish > Fem Dommes
Yes, you're allowed to stroke it, but only the lower half, and only with your fingertips...

Women Home Alone > BBW
Women Home Alone > BBW

That whole bending forward and looking up thing just kinda works for me, doesn't it? I must remember this for future photo shoots.

Women Home Alone > Housewives
Women Home Alone > Housewives
I honestly do lounge around the house in that robe, but usually without the bra...

Fetish > Submissive Women
Fetish > Submissive Women

I can't imagine why you would suspect I have a mischievous streak today, Sir!

Phone with Cam > Women Home Alone
Phone with Cam > Women Home Alone
Although I haven't been back on cam in a long long time, this couch is where I will lounge when I do, although I'll probably get a new slipcover for it because it turns a weird color with light bouncing off red walls (it's gray). I really love this picture.

Women Home Alone > Oral Sex
Women Home Alone > Oral Sex
Why yes, I would absolutely take a cock in my mouth in lieu of a kiss under the mistletoe! Thanks for asking!

There, I did it, Candy. Now where is my copy of your latest video, dammit?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thoughts from an Energy Rebound

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball, like when your old standby allergy medicines apparently interact with your vertigo medicines and you find yourself confused all the time and sleeping 14 hours in a row.

And then sometimes, life lobs you a softie, like when you follow your intuition on how to switch up your allergy treatments and find yourself fully energized again with wildly raging lust, having to practically pin your hands at your sides not to start masturbating from the moment you wake up.

I think maybe my favorite days are ones where I finally have that burst of ability again after a time of feeling limited. When the question, "Is this going to last forever?" is answered with a resounding "No, you dork. Not even close."

This morning, I woke up aching for the feeling of being held down by strong hands wrapped around my thighs, and a tongue exploring me. I rolled over in bed, hugging a pillow, my knees apart, savoring the thoughts without the touches.

And then I gave thanks, for energy, for libido, for the reassuring rush of warmth to my core, that urge that lets me know that my body is back in balance, that I may be lucky enough to be able to end my day with the gasping half-hearted resistance of a long-time caller who has a thing for me seducing him with my stockings... Or better yet, the encouraging murmurs of a caller who has become a good friend over the past year, thanking me for understanding his sexual peccadilloes as he drifts off to sleep, as if his proclivities hadn't just made both of us explode with breathless pleasure.

The day-long (week-long? month-long?) build-up was so very much worth the wait.

Even though I only took two calls tonight, I feel exhilarated, empowered, strong, and an absolute surge of sassyness for anyone daring enough to tangle with me. I knew enough to log out and head for bed when I started winding down; I can't push my luck on an energy rebound day, but I wanted to take a moment to record the feeling, the swirl of gratitude and lust and connection and happiness for the ability to do this thing I do as often as I can do it.

Sometimes I have felt so weak, so helpless, so unable to provide for myself, let alone for others. Being a phone sex operator, using my real pictures, sharing my honest words here on the blog, toying with sexual energy while focusing the whole world down to the voice in my ear... this makes me feel so alive, so strong, so useful, so beautiful.

Do you understand that I need you as much as you need me? Do you really?

Thank you. All of you. Thank you.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fuzzy Secretary Santa

You wanna take pictures of a scantily clad phone sex operator for fun? Although my plea for a photographer on FetLife was not much more sophisticated than that, an aspiring erotic photographer by the FetLife handle of "Quicksilver84" took me up on the offer anyway, and we spent a few hours this afternoon taking pics of me.

Although not as luminescent as my 40th birthday photos in Vivian Ronelle's impeccably lit studio, I was happy that Quicksilver captured a few great moments. It should be enough for a month or two to feed this blog, and to send to callers (I know I know, I'm months behind on thank-you follow-ups, I'm sorry...).

My plan right now is to break the pictures out in three separate posts, but just in case I get lazy or distracted, here were the three concepts:

First, "What are you wearing?" has been answered a lot lately with "my fuzzy pink bath robe and slippers, plus undies" so I thought I'd provide a view into what that looks like on a good day:

Robe, slippers, undies
Robe, slippers, undies
That's me in The Red Room, with the rope lights at the place where the wall slants on purpose, ready to be wrapped up and snuggled, or unwrapped and... well, that part's up to you.

Secondly, I was long overdue for a good secretary look, and I have a caller with a thing for textured tights, platform heels, and a good ponytail to grab, so I dug back into my memories of my white-collar professional days for a look that started off like this:

You wanted something sir?
You wanted something, sir?
By the end of that outfit, the strapless corset and tights were fully exposed, and the use for the ponytail was glaringly evident to anyone paying attention.

Last, but certainly not least, Mrs. Claus got a bit of an update for 2011.

You've been very naughty
You've been very naughty
Oh, gracious. That is... ummm... quite an update indeed. She seems a bit ... angry? Power-hungry? Eager to find a target for that flogger? Maybe it's best if she goes back to checking her list.

Thankfully, I remembered to ask for at least one good horizontal shot because Kiwi Candy asked me for a new banner. She's re-doing her listings and her blog ... again... the woman seriously puts the rest of us to shame with her work ethic, bless her darling little slutty heart. So I popped this together for her:

New Banner

I think it's warm and friendly and playful and inviting, but I'm much more interested in what you think of it - I'd love a comment or an email telling me whether or not you would click it if you saw it in the wild.

Overall, there were some lessons learned: I need to re-think the lighting in my Red Room, I probably shouldn't wear red things in The Red Room, and I should let the photographer help me put my stockings on next time, since it turns out it's kind of a thing with him.

All in all, it was a fun, affirming afternoon with a charming young man. (He's 27, so he's just young by comparison. I didn't do anything illegal, don't worry) Productive fun was had by all!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Spoke Too Soon

Now, in addition to being married to the funniest guy I know, I sound like Jessica Rabbit. A 2-hour appointment yesterday wrecked my voice, in kind of a sultry way. I probably won't log in for public access, but if Galiana-as-Kathleen-Turner is your thing, write me for an appointment!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


2010 Santa
2010 Santa

I didn't write much in November for a few reasons: (1) my allergies have been threatening to migrate to my lungs, so I've been fighting off a cough for a week, teetering hourly between winning and losing the battle, (2) my husband traveled back to Houston via train for Thanksgiving, which left me surprisingly worry-paralyzed that week, and (3) I seem to have picked up a local lover, even though I didn't intend to look for one this quickly.

The keys to seducing me seem to be (1) funny and (2) smart and (3) kind. My husband is easily Roger Rabbit levels of funny (yes, I did just make myself Jessica Rabbit, thank you very much), and the new lover is a serious sapiosexual's wet dream come true (his brain is totally bigger than yours). And both of them are wonderfully kind, to others as well as to me.

Luckiest. Girl. Ever.

Now that I've settled into a weekly routine with the new beau, and hopefully won the war against germs in my head and chest, I will attempt to resume a more predictable schedule for the remainder of the holiday season.

I'm continuing to make appointments, 10am-4pm Central, or after 8pm Central. There's a 30-minute minimum for appointments, and I need at least a few hours' notice, but a day ahead works best. Write me at NiteFlirt or at my email to set up a time.

I'm continuing to thoroughly enjoy the whole appointment thing a lot. I love being able to sink into a caller's fantasies even before I hear his voice, to get my head space right, to have time to anticipate and tingle in all the right ways.

Before 10am? I'm asleep or snuggling with dogs. Nobody gets to interrupt snuggle time. Between 4pm and 8pm? I'm feeding dogs and dining with the hub, or doing 2-person chores with him, like deciding how many items we can part with from our obscenely large collection of underused electronics and power cords which no longer match any electronics we own... we think. It's a huge problem in the geek world.

As for logging in for general calls for Anyone In The World, I'm finding 9pm to midnight Central to be my most common hours.

Oh, and I also picked up a volunteer to take pictures of me, so I'm hoping to have some holiday pictures in my new Red Room in my new naughty Santa outfit soon! Yay!

As far as I know, I'm not traveling back to Houston until early in the New Year, so I should be around for most, if not all, of December! I look forward to holidazing with you!