Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Not That Kind of GFE

The grand experiment was: see if I can successfully travel to meet an out-of-town lover for a multi-day romp, with some resting time built in. 

The first five days were a smashing success: I rested up after traveling, then we romped to our hearts' delights in a sunny, warm, cozy place with every creature comfort I could have asked for. I got gussied up with straight hair and red red lips for our first sexy day:

He likes me in just a bra and panties. 

And then I played the part of the good mistress and put on my maybe-we're-just-colleagues outfit for scrumptious dining out about town (his wife knows about me - I'm more of an extra in their open marriage than a mistress, but it felt mistress-ish to dress even somewhat conservatively around him):

He loved it that I sneaked a picture in the posh bathroom. 

And then... My back went out and I was in excruciating pain. Dammit. 

So the last three days, instead of being a sexy continuation of days 3-5, I was finding a local chiropractor, switching out ice packs, taking muscle relaxers, and refusing to have sex with him. That sounds like the girlfriend a lot of men already have, not the one they fantasize about!!!

I was extremely upset. He was extremely gracious. I got home safely 10 days ago, I think, where I have continued working with my local chiropractor, but not at all working on phone sex. Honestly, mostly, I've been asleep, since the muscle relaxers mix with my vertigo mess to make me kinda coma-ish. 

My husband has been fantastically supportive, my roommate fantastically helpful, my local lover fantastically understanding, and I've been fantastically disappointed in myself, although I'm trying hard to shake that, because it's unhealthy and irrational. 

I was digging in my still-packed suitcase for makeup yesterday, to fancy up a bit for dinner just for the heck of it, and my favorite vibrators fell out of my suitcase, neglected and sad. Because I talk to inanimate objects, I said to them, "I know, I'm sorry I've neglected you. I always come back, though, and when I do, I'll need you."

And then I realized how to write this blog post. So I also say to you, "I know, I'm sorry I've neglected you. I always come back, though, and when I do, I'll need you."

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Still Alive

I apologize for worrying so many of you by not writing.

The crazy stuff: while I was in Houston in February, I tweaked my back, so I spent most of February trying to avoid sitting (lying down and standing and kneeling are fine, and fucking made it feel better, it was just sitting). Every time I tried to write a blog post from my phone, or sit at the computer long enough, something would interrupt, or I'd find myself staring blankly at the screen. I have no good excuse for my blog absence, really, other than "that's the way this season's insanity played out".

The fun stuff:
  • Just yesterday, I got my first installment of my Social Security settlement from back in October, which will allow me to do a ton of stuff I'd been putting on hold (a separate computer for videos, a land line and new phones for better sound quality, switch some domains to an unlimited hosting provider in case I want to podcast some day, etc etc). I'm soooooo relieved and excited!
  • Devant, my husband's girlfriend, is continuing to be an awesome roommate and play mate, but hasn't gotten on the phones very often. We're debating whether she should keep trying, or become a clip girl, or just chuck it and get a regular job, and be a kinkster in her spare time like most people. But she's still awesome to live with.
  • I've been having a great time once a week with my in-person lover, who usually stays over in the guest room with me Sunday nights while my husband and Devant frolic downstairs. It's super fun to overhear each other /grin
  • My long-distance in-person lover with sugar daddy tendencies arranged for me to meet him over his spring break, so I am dashing this blog entry out before I start my multi-day vacation with him being pampered and pleasured
Because of my travel and recovery, I won't be available for appointments for anyone else until March 19 or 20.

However, I would love to exchange emails with you - I'll be slow to reply to free emails, but I should be faster on the draw if you have a request for a pay-to-view email through NiteFlirt.

Oh, and I got my hair cut for the first time in 11 months. The guy who did it was fabulous, loves curly hair, and is now my new BFF. Here's a pic:

Just past my shoulder, but my curls come out beautifully. I'm so happy to have found him. I can never move again.

So, to summarize, because I have to get going so I can get all gussied up for a good long day of playing reindeer games under extremely comfortable covers: I'm alive, I'm well, I'm inexplicably not blogging much, I'm available for emails now, and I'll be available for phone sex appointments again after March 19.
