Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Family Visit

My mother-in-law is having minor heart surgery Friday (although "heart surgery" never feels "minor" does it?), so we're going to Houston tomorrow (Thursday Feb 2). My husband will be back Sunday Feb 5 to work next week, but I'm taking the opportunity to spend an extra week with my family, so I won't return home until Monday Feb 13th.

I have no idea what this does to my work availability. I think I might log on during the days the week of Feb 6 while my mother's at work, and possibly an evening or two if the gang is all busy, but it's impossible to predict with any accuracy.

However, stranger things have certainly happened than me arranging phone sex calls while traveling to visit family. Much stranger things. So feel free to drop me an email and let me know if you want to arrange a time to play! I know of a parking garage nearby that has remained as secluded at night as when we used to go there to make out in high school...

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