I've registered at Safe Check In (http://www.safecheckin.com), a site that is providing a service I had imagined a few years ago (but of course never built, and now someone else is making money off the idea instead of me... good for them for not being lazy like I am).
The concept is that I give them information about me which would be helpful if I needed to be investigated as missing, including a recent picture, the make/model/color/plates of my car, and contact information for my husband and mom and sister.
Then, each time I leave the house, I check out with specific details for the outing: what I'm wearing, the route I expect to take, and who I am meeting. If I do not check in by the specified time, an escalation path starts where they first try to contact me, then my family members, then local authorities.
At home, I feel safe because of my pit bull mix with anxiety issues, but now I feel a little safer when I'm out and about, too, without having to pester my husband when he's traveling or working (or both) with the details of my boring daily activities.
I could feel on my trip to the grocery store today that I had let go of some tiny measure of concern which I didn't even know I had been feeling. I was very slightly more relaxed.
Isn't that neat?
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